NATO decision on Kosovo
At the joint press conference following his meeting with Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the violence that has occurred in northern Kosovo in recent months is unacceptable.
“We are now analyzing whether we need a more permanent escalation to ensure that the situation does not get out of control and create a new violent conflict in Kosovo or the wider region,” Stoltenberg said. So yes, we will do whatever it takes. “We are currently reviewing arrangements for our presence and have already implemented an immediate increase in NATO’s presence in the region,” he said.
Speaking about Kosovo’s membership in the Partnership for Peace programme, which is a prerequisite for NATO membership, Stoltenberg stated that the decision must be made unanimously by all NATO allies and that he does not want to speculate on when. the decision will be made.
Noting that stability in the region depends on all parties choosing diplomacy over violence, Stoltenberg said: “We will do whatever is necessary to ensure a safe environment and freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo.”
Stoltenberg said that NATO has increased its military presence within the Kosovo Peace Force (KFOR) to 1,000 soldiers as a precautionary measure against tensions in northern Kosovo and that this is an indication of the seriousness with which take the violence that erupted. in Kosovo.
Osmani stated that the institutions and people of Kosovo are grateful for NATO’s support for freedom and peace in Kosovo.
Noting that Serbia has seriously violated peace in the region recently, Osmani said: “Serbia’s failure to take precautions against these ongoing attacks will be a new incentive to attack Kosovo and destabilize the region again. “In this context, the role of NATO and KFOR in preventing the destabilization of Kosovo alone is vital, as Serbia remains a constant threat to peace and stability throughout our region.”
Osmani stressed that Kosovo’s goal is to be a member of NATO and noted that becoming a member of the Partnership for Peace program and then NATO will be a guarantee for peace in the region and that it may have consequences if the process is prolonged.
As part of his visit to Kosovo, Stoltenberg also met with Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Commander of the NATO Peace Force in Kosovo (KFOR), Major General Özkan Ulutaş.
Meanwhile, after Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo, Stoltenberg will visit Serbia and North Macedonia tomorrow as part of his tour of the Western Balkans (AA)
Source: Sozcu

Sharon Rock is an author and journalist who writes for 24 News Globe. She has a passion for learning about different cultures and understanding the complexities of the world. With a talent for explaining complex global issues in an accessible and engaging way, Sharon has become a respected voice in the field of world news journalism.