The sewage crisis does not end… China protests against Japan

The sewage crisis does not end… China protests against Japan

According to the statement made by the Foreign Ministry, Vice Minister Sun Veydong summoned Japan’s Ambassador to Beijing Tarumi Hideo to the ministry regarding the issue. Sun stated that they protested Japan’s decision calling it “selfish and irresponsible”.

Expressing that Japan put its own interests ahead of the concerns of neighboring countries with this decision, Sun warned that China will take necessary measures for the protection of marine ecology, food safety and public health.

In the Japanese Embassy statement, he argued that the government’s sewage discharge plan was explained in a transparent and scientific manner, and that China’s claims on this issue had no scientific basis.

Recalling that the European Union and other economies have lifted controls on Japan’s water and food products, Tarumi said that China is the only country that has taken a step in that direction, and that it will not accept such measures that do not They have a scientific basis. .

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio announced that the discharge of radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima Intra-Dai nuclear power plant into the ocean will begin on August 24, in a statement after yesterday’s cabinet meeting.


China reacted to the decision, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Vinbin said: “The discharge of sewage into the ocean will cause the risk of radioactive fallout to spread to the rest of the world. By doing so, Japan puts its own selfish interests above the well-being of all humanity.”

Defending Japan’s failure to address international concerns about the long-term reliability of the treatment plant, the accuracy of the data on the composition of radioactive wastewater and the effectiveness of the inspection agreement, Vang said: “If the wastewater radioactive in Fukushima are really safe, Japan doesn’t need to dump it into the sea, otherwise it definitely shouldn’t spill. The ocean is the source that keeps humanity alive, not a sewer from which Japan will flood radioactive water,” he said.

While Japan argues that the amount of radioactive material in water that is planned to be discharged into the ocean is below acceptance rates for human health and the environment, China opposes the discharge of sewage into the ocean and emphasizes that there should be another download method. .
The International Atomic Energy Agency, in its report released on July 4 after its investigations at the power plant, claimed that Japan’s sewage discharge plan was in line with safety standards.

The tsunami caused by the 9 magnitude earthquake that occurred in March 2011 damaged 3 of the 4 nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Dai-içi Nuclear Power Plant, and the vicinity of the power plant was declared an “evacuation zone” due to radioactive fallout. (AA)

Source: Sozcu


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