Water prices increased in Izmir

Water prices increased in Izmir

The General Directorate of Izmir Water and Sewerage Administration (IZSU) held its ordinary session of the General Assembly in November. In the session where the İZSU budget for 2024 was discussed, increasing water was also on the agenda. It was voted to determine the rate of increase of water used in the city by 15 percent. The water increase was accepted by a majority vote: CHP and İyi Parti voted in favor, while AKP and MHP voted in favor.


From January 1, 2024, the price of 0 to 10 cubic meters of water in residences will increase from 19.21 lira to 22.09 lira, the price of 11 to 20 cubic meters of water will increase from 24.56 lira to 28.25 lira and the price of 21 and more cubic meters of water will increase from 45.99 lira to 52.89 lira.

With the addition of the wastewater fee, Izmir residents will use 0 to 10 cubic meters of water in their residences for 33.13 lira, 11 to 20 cubic meters of water for 43.27 lira and 21 cubic meters or more of water for 79.33 lire.

Source: Sozcu


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