Cause of explosion at US-Canada border revealed
Details have been revealed of the explosion that took place last night on the border between the United States and Canada and caused great panic due to the suspicion of a terrorist attack…
It was learned that the vehicle that caused the explosion on the border between the United States and Canada was a luxury vehicle model Bentley Flying Spur with a value of 300 thousand dollars. It was announced that the 56-year-old businessman who was driving the vehicle and his wife died in the accident.
While the investigation into the incident continues, it was learned that the couple was staying at the hotel called Seneca Niagara, which also had a casino, before the explosion. While authorities recorded that the couple, whose name has not yet been revealed, lived in New York, CNN announced that the couple belonged to a very famous family.
Officials who spoke to US media said the couple went to the rock group Kiss concert.
In the statement issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), it was stated that there was an explosion on the Rainbow Bridge over the Niagara River and the cause is being investigated.
Border crossing authorities reported that the Rainbow Bridge crossing and the 3 other crossings connecting the Canadian province of Ontario with the US state of New York were closed as a precaution after the vehicle crossing the bridge exploded.
Photos and videos shared on social media showed images of a security point engulfed in flames.
Source: Sozcu

Sharon Rock is an author and journalist who writes for 24 News Globe. She has a passion for learning about different cultures and understanding the complexities of the world. With a talent for explaining complex global issues in an accessible and engaging way, Sharon has become a respected voice in the field of world news journalism.