Protest in Gaza with symbolic funerals in Iran
At the event held in Tehran’s Palestine Square under the title “Symphony of the Murdered”, hundreds of symbolic corpses of shrouded children were lined up and roses were placed on them. Some women who attended the event could not hold back their tears.
A group that wanted to raise awareness among a wider circle recorded a video with lamentations in Arabic and English.

The director of the event, Muhammed Hüseyin Hatibi, stated that this show was prepared with the help of many students from primary school to university.
Hatibi claimed that they could only show people here a small part of what Israel has done in Palestine and said: “Israel has killed 4,600 children so far. We couldn’t make so many models. It took us two weeks to prepare hundreds of symbolic funerals. “The children came and helped us prepare these models for 14 days,” she said.

Hatibi stated that they work between 7 and 8 hours every day: “Almost 60 people helped us complete these models. “It is difficult to even prepare for this tragic situation, but Israel can kill thousands of children in 5 to 10 days or with a few bombs,” she said.

Hatibi said they recorded a video lamenting Gaza in Arabic and English to convey the situation in the square to a wider audience, noting that they wanted to show people what murder and the killing of children is like.

Nadya Azizzade said she saw this scene as she passed by and was very impressed.
Stating that what is shown here is something symbolic, but they still feel emotional, Azizzade said: “But this is a real thing in Palestine. Mothers and children were lost. “We are sad, the world is sad,” she said. (AA)

Source: Sozcu

Sharon Rock is an author and journalist who writes for 24 News Globe. She has a passion for learning about different cultures and understanding the complexities of the world. With a talent for explaining complex global issues in an accessible and engaging way, Sharon has become a respected voice in the field of world news journalism.