They were stranded in Gaza… The news came from the family of the Scottish First Minister

They were stranded in Gaza… The news came from the family of the Scottish First Minister

Scottish First Minister Hamza Yusuf’s father-in-law and mother-in-law managed to escape from Gaza, where they were trapped after the outbreak of war days later.

In his statement after the start of the war on October 7, Yusuf announced that the parents of his Palestinian wife Nadia El-Nakla, who lives in Scotland, were in Gaza to visit his father-in-law’s sick 92-year-old mother. The Scottish First Minister said he was worried about whether his mother-in-law and her father-in-law, who could not leave Gaza, would survive.

Yusuf’s mother-in-law, Elizabeth El-Nakla, also said: “Where is the humanity?” in the video she recorded in Gaza. she said and shed tears. El-Nakla said: “This will be my last video. Everyone in Gaza is moving towards where we are. One million people. No food, no water. God help us. “Goodbye,” she said.

The British Telegraph newspaper reported that the Scottish First Minister’s father-in-law and mother-in-law left Gaza through the Rafah border gate in Egypt. Yusuf also shared the news on his social media account.

Source: Sozcu


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