Extreme weather events claimed lives in Italy

Extreme weather events claimed lives in Italy

In Italy, 3 people died and 7 went missing due to adverse weather conditions.

The rains and strong winds that affected the entire country caused flooding and overflows, especially in the regions of Tuscany and Veneto. In his statement, Eugenio Giani, president of the Regional Government of Tuscany, stated that two people, aged 84 and 85, including a woman, died last night in the town of Montemurlo, and one person died in the town of Rosignano, in Livorno. , due to bad weather conditions. conditions.

Giani called on citizens not to leave home and declared a “state of emergency”, stressing that the situation in the region is serious. Giani noted that the Bisenzio River, which runs through his region, overflowed due to heavy rains and that ships were sent to help especially the towns of Seano, Quarrata and Campi Bisenzio.

In the Italian press news it was reported that a total of 7 people were missing, 1 in Veneto and 6 in the Tuscany region, due to adverse weather conditions.

Ferry services between Tuscany and the island of Elba, the region most affected by adverse weather conditions, were also postponed due to strong winds. It was also reported that in Tuscany electricity was not provided to 40 thousand people.

It was noted that many agricultural lands and settlements in the region were flooded due to the overflowing of the Bisenzio River and that rail services between the cities of Prato and Pistoia were also disrupted.

On the other hand, it was stated that in Milan, capital of the Lombardy region in the north, the Seveso river was very close to overflowing at some points, so the routes of urban public transport services that pass at points near the river were changed.

The minister responsible for Civil Defense, Nello Musumeci, stated in his statement to the SKYTG24 channel that they are willing to declare a state of national emergency throughout the country due to excessive rainfall and flooding.

It was previously announced that classes were suspended on Friday as a precaution in many cities and districts in the regions of Tuscany, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Campania and Liguria due to the adverse weather conditions affecting the country. (AA)

Source: Sozcu


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