Creepy incident: She put her husband to sleep with poisoned rice and killed her to get insurance money

Creepy incident: She put her husband to sleep with poisoned rice and killed her to get insurance money

Ramandeep Kaur Mann, who lives in India, killed her husband Sukhjit Singh for money and became an international agenda…

Mann, who was arrested after the murder in September 2016, appeared before the judge the other day. As details of the murder and evidence were presented to the court, Mann’s terrible plan was also revealed.

Singh received a prison sentence.

In evidence presented to the court, it was alleged that while the couple was on holiday, Mann added drugs to the rice he prepared for Singh, thereby putting him to sleep. Later, to collect approximately $2 million in insurance money, Mann killed her husband by slitting her throat. It was also claimed that Singh’s favorite food was rice.

While it was claimed that Singh and his young son Aryan ate the meal and Arjun did not, it was also recorded that Aryan and Singh slept after the meal.

One of those who testified in court was the couple’s son, Arjun, who witnessed this murder and was 9 years old at the time. Arjun stated that he was a witness to the incident and that his mother was guilty and that his mother and his mother’s boyfriend Gurpreet Singh committed murder.

It was claimed that Mann cheated on her (turbaned) husband with his best friend and the pair killed the unfortunate man.

It was recorded that Mann brought his lover Gurpreet Singh home after her husband fell asleep, and the man first hit the unconscious man with a hammer and then the woman cut her husband’s neck with a knife.

On the other hand, it was also revealed that Gurpreet Singh and Sukhjit Singh were close friends and that Singh was secretly in love with his friend’s wife.

The judge found Mann guilty and decided to impose the death penalty.

Source: Sozcu


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