Agents will use artificial intelligence to ‘save time’

Agents will use artificial intelligence to ‘save time’

In France, at the request of the government, the country’s official institutions will switch to using artificial intelligence from October to speed up transactions.

In this context, in a first stage, 1,000 employees of public institutions will use text-based artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT and Llama 2 in transactions.

Public officials will use artificial intelligence to answer user questions about tax regulation, pension payments and social benefits.

In this way, the artificial intelligence will automatically evaluate and respond to incoming requests. However, the answers given by artificial intelligence will be audited by authorized persons to measure the applicability of the system.


The application is intended to fill the shortage of personnel in public services, respond quickly to queries and demands from current personnel, older people who have difficulties in the use of technology, and save time in transactions.

Stanislas Guerini, Minister for Transformation and Public Service, said: “I want to be one of the French executives leading the way in putting artificial intelligence on the front lines.” He stated that he supports this process.

While this government practice has been criticized by the far right claiming that artificial intelligence will replace humans, the left believes it will pave the way for a bottleneck in official transactions. (AA)

Source: Sozcu


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