Perverted man terrified tourist paradise: Masturbate and…

Perverted man terrorized the tourist paradise: Masturbate and…

As the summer months drew to a close, an incident on the resort island of Gavdos in Greece had people saying “give up”…

A 32-year-old American tourist who was on vacation caused horror to the inhabitants of the island. The man who walked naked on the beach and had fun looking at the young women was caught after complaints.

It also emerged that the 32-year-old man, who was vacationing at a nudist camp on the island, later broke into the home of a Greek family and got into a fight with them. The island’s mayor, Lilian Stefanaki, spoke to the Greek media.


“This guy came in early August and he was camping,” Stefanaki said. But he was seen masturbating in front of young women and was reported for this reason,” he said. Stefanaki also said that the man, whose name has not been released, entered a house and tried to rape the woman who was in the house. He stated that the man was under the influence of drugs or narcotics.

It was reported that the detainee will undergo psychological tests.

Source: Sozcu


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