Notable survey on the death penalty in Canada

Notable survey on the death penalty in Canada

research company Respondents to the company’s survey were particularly supportive of reintroducing the death penalty for murderers.

54 percent of those surveyed expressed the opinion that the death penalty should apply to those who end a person’s life by committing murder.


The most demanded reintroduction of the death penalty came from the province of Alberta with 62 percent, while the least support for the reintroduction of the death penalty came from the province of Quebec with 43 percent.

research company About three-fifths of Canadians over the age of 55 welcomed the reintroduction of the death penalty, said its president, Mario Canseco.

The death penalty was officially abolished in Canada in 1976. The last death sentence in Canada was carried out in 1962, according to official records. (AA)

Murder Execution Canada Death

Source: Sozcu


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