Shape Your LA, our community engagement tool in Los Angeles County, is now available in Spanish

(Joanna Neborsky / For the Times)

Shape Your LA, our community engagement tool in Los Angeles County, is now available in Spanish

Advice, resources and guides, LA politics, data and images

Ana Elena Azprua

February 28, 2024

Maybe you’ve been around for a long time

time Angeleno who is still confused between Los Angeles County and the City of Los Angeles, or maybe you just moved to a new neighborhood and would like to join a community garden. Our community engagement tool, Shape Your LA, can help you navigate local institutions and get things done.

Since its launch in October 2022, a Los Angeles Times team has diligently added new features to the resource, including information about local community gardens and services. What’s new in this release? In addition to updated information about local elected officials, Shape Your LA is now available in Spanish.


three 3

million voting Angelenos in the county report speaking Spanish at home. Now LA’s Spanish-speaking population can find information about their representatives

like what they actually do for their constituents

and how to contact them.

Knowing your elected officials and how to interact with your local government is especially important this year, as are LA residents

participate in voting

municipal, legislative, congressional


and presidential races. Shape Your LA can remind you which precinct you voted in and how to check if you are registered to vote.

The deadline for registration online or by mail

the primaries of Tuesday, March 5

has passed. But if you are eligible, you can vote after submitting a conditional voter application.

Your limits and much more

All you need

to do

unlock the power guide of these people by typing in your address and selecting the issues you are interested in. The app shows your



Do you know the shape of your state Assembly district?

and provide information on how to access services in the province’s 88 cities.

As you learn how local institutions influence your daily life, enjoy beautiful illustrations and

easy to understand

explainers whose aim is to make bureaucracy less mysterious and intimidating.

In the past we have suggested some ideas for using the tool. Here are three other cool features:

You can print a PDF with the names and titles of all your local states


and federal representatives. If you have school-aged children, it can even help with a homework assignment.

You can see the literal shape of your LA and download a map with your


boundaries. It’s a fascinating visual representation of how Los Angeles is a puzzle of guessing and running.

LA will move to independent redistricting if voters approve the 2024 elections

The essence of Shape Your LA is that it gives you actionable information to help you make your voice heard. Emails and phone numbers of representatives, details of council meetings and links to complaints and helplines are all provided based on the address you enter. If you file a complaint with your local police or request a service, we want to know about it. Has that hole been repaired? Let us know.

What would you like us to include next on Shape Your LA? Send us your comments via the feedback form. You can help shape this instrument for social involvement.


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