Trump claims his criminal charges have increased his appeal to black voters

(Andrew Harnik/Associated Press)

Trump claims his criminal charges have increased his appeal to black voters


February 24, 2024

Former President Trump claims his four criminal charges have increased his support among Black Americans who see him as a victim of discrimination, likening his legal danger to the historical legacy of anti-Black bias in the U.S. legal system.

Trump claims he is the victim of political persecution, even though there is no evidence that President Biden or White House officials influenced the filing of 91 charges against him. Trump also recently compared himself to Alexei Navalny, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s biggest domestic rival, who died in a remote Arctic prison after being jailed by the Kremlin leader.

I was charged for nothing, for something that is nothing, Trump told black-tie event for black conservatives in South Carolina


Friday evening, ahead of the state’s Republican primaries. And a lot of people said that this is why black people like me, because they have been so badly hurt and discriminated against, and they actually saw me as someone who was discriminated against. It was pretty amazing, but there may be something there.”

Trump has focused his third campaign for the White House on his grievances against Biden and what he claims is a deep state targeting him, even as he is blamed for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election by stealing classified documents his estate in Florida and allegedly arranging payments to a porn actress.

He is the dominant Republican front-runner, as many Republican voters share his beliefs, and is favored to convincingly defeat former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley in her home state.

Trump noted the mugshot taken by Georgian authorities after he was indicted on state racketeering charges in the 2020 election.

When I took the mugshot in Atlanta, that mugshot is No. 1, he said, adding: You know who embraced it more than anyone else? The black population.

Trump’s campaign has predicted he can do better with Black voters in November than he did four years ago, citing Biden’s collapsing poll numbers among Black adults and what Trump sees as advantages on issues like the economy and record high number of people crossing the US. -Mexican border, often ending in cities with a large black population.

He was flanked on stage at the Black Conservative Federation gala in Columbia, S.C., by Black elected officials, including representatives. Byron Donalds from Florida and Wesley Hunt from Texas. Many in the audience cheered during the speech.

In a liberal speech, Trump mixed his regular campaign remarks with appeals to the black community and jokes that touched on race.

The lights are so bright in my eyes that I can’t see many people. But I can only see the black one. I don’t see any white ones. I’ve come this far, Trump said to laughter from the audience.

He also said he knew a lot of black people because his properties were built by black construction workers.

In his story about how he renegotiated the cost of renovating Air Force One, Trump criticized his predecessor, former President Obama, the first Black person elected to the White House.

I have to tell you, black president, but I got $1.7 billion less, Trump said. Would you rather have the black president or the white president who got a $1.7 billion cut?

As the crowd cheered, he added: I think they want the white man.

Republicans face an uphill battle in courting black voters, who overwhelmingly support the Democratic Party. And while Black voters’ enthusiasm for Biden has waned over the past year, only 25% of Black Americans in a December AP-NORC poll said they had a positive view of Trump.

Black voters who spoke to the Associated Press ahead of the gala expressed skepticism that Republicans, and Trump in particular, could convince them to switch parties.

There is so much controversy, said Ebony McBeth, a Columbia resident and transportation worker. I would go for Biden just because Trump has his own agenda.

Isaac Williams Sr., a retired chef from Columbia and a lifelong Democrat, said he hated both parties but thought Trump had gangster tendencies. He’s only out for himself.

Several conservatives interviewed said the Democratic Party’s appeal to black voters was based on emotional politics by invoking racism.

In order for the Republican Party to win over more of the African American community, we need to invest a lot of time and more money into getting people to really know our platform, because the truth is that many of them agree are our platform, but they don’t associate that with the Republican Party, says Samuel Rivers Jr., a former Republican senator in South Carolina.

Rivers, who is black, argued that black voters view Republicans in a negative way based on emotional triggers of racism that no longer exists.

Trump has a long history of inflaming racial tensions. From his earliest days as a real estate developer in New York, Trump has faced accusations of racist business practices. In 1989, he took out full-page newspaper ads calling on New York state to reinstate the death penalty as five black and Latino teenagers were set to stand trial.

in the furrow

hitting and rapping


a white woman in Central Park. The five men were eventually acquitted in 2002 after another man committed the crime and determined that their confessions had been coerced.

Hey Trump

For years he spread the lie that Obama was ineligible for office. When he was president, Trump mocked the shithole countries in Africa and said four congresswomen of color should go back to the broken and crime-ridden countries they came from, ignoring the fact that all the women are American citizens and three in the USA were born.


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