What did we do to deserve Marjorie Taylor Greene?
On Ed
LZ GrandersonJanuary 15, 2024
The 118th Congress
who is responsible for this train wreck of a legislative body?
Is it them or is it us? Because to quote Erykah Badu, I think we took a wrong turn there somewhere.
How is it possible?
the same caucus that Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) has been driven from office
I’m thinking about a follow-up because their hand-picked replacement in the speaker’s chair, Rep. Mike Johnson (RL
a.), dares to try to govern? It’s as if they expected him to hold him off until November, while the country’s business came to a standstill. “No compromise” could be a powerful slogan on the campaign trail, but…
by definition
by definition
is a compromise.
And yet here we are, with the far-right fringe of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives, back to shut down the government if that’s what it takes to get everything they want. Even after we all see what happens when the Matt Gaetzes actually perform
get what they want.
So really. Who is responsible for this conference?
Think about it: the same day the MAGA wing fired McCarthy, so did Hunter Biden
pleaded not guilty in a federal court in Delaware
weapons charges. But because Gaetz
the Republican representative from Florida, and Company & Co.
chose to lead an insurrection that day, all anyone talked about was McCarthy’s historic resignation. Gaetz took the attention away from the president’s son and focused it entirely on himself. Narcissism aside, that was just painfully shortsighted. He didn’t even have the foresight to wait 24 hours before throwing his tantrum.
The same political waste happened again on Tuesday when House members considered holding Hunter Biden in contempt for refusing to testify behind closed doors.
the president’s son, Hunter Biden
comes in. And what happens? Egos, meltdowns, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (RG
a.) state that she is not an expert on porn.
It was clear from the moment Hunter
As it turns out, the MAGA wing hadn’t even considered the possibility of that
the president’s son
was to appear for the contempt hearing. This despite
him Hunter Biden
already demonstrating a more aggressive strategy a month ago when he held a surprise press conference outside the Capitol in defiance of their subpoena.
Hunter Biden’s son of the president
A confrontational approach is what inspired these lawmakers to come together
yet apparently no one in that brain trust was prepared for it
him Hunter Biden
to try to pull off something similar.
And this is the caucus of the 118th Congress causing all the fuss?
Who is responsible for this?
Do we blame the George Santoses of the world for manipulating voters, or the Republicans who support his ilk just because they parrot Trump?
Since 2001, Congress’ approval rating has steadily declined. It is now an anemia of 15%. After what we’ve seen this week, I’m surprised it’s that high. The country’s military involvement in the Middle East is escalating, childcare is unaffordable, the climate is in chaos, you name it, there is still a lot of work to be done.
Yet Greene is talking about pornography. Why? Because she brought nude photos of Hunter Biden to the Capitol. And the reason she was able to do that is
Georgians in District 14 believe she is the best person for the job.
So who is responsible for the ineptitude of the 118th Congress?
We are.
District 1, there in Florida, that’s a political mastermind, there in Gaetz. If he or any of his colleagues become fearful of attention, chances are they will go after Johnson and then go down the list looking for the next politician foolish enough to take on that ungrateful politician.
I’m not a fan of Johnson’s policies, but I do appreciate his political dexterity. The respected House speakers of the past all demonstrated the ability to work across the aisle and negotiate deals. “Compromise” wasn’t always a poisonous word. In fact, it is the way we figure out a way to live together.
Who is responsible for this conference? It’s tempting to point the finger at them, but the answer always lies with us. The reason Congress’s approval rating is so low is simply this: For decades, we have been directing our anger and fear toward Washington. We need to get back to sending thoughtfulness, maybe even compassion. A little strategic thinking certainly doesn’t hurt.
In the meantime, what we voted for is whatever Congress does or doesn’t do. Of course not
. The collective ugliness we see in the Capitol is a reflection of our worst impulses.

Fernando Dowling is an author and political journalist who writes for 24 News Globe. He has a deep understanding of the political landscape and a passion for analyzing the latest political trends and news.