The old natural gas meters will be replaced at the end of 2025

The old natural gas meters will be replaced at the end of 2025

The Ministry of Industry and Technology decided that natural gas meters placed on the market between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2019 will be removed at the end of 2025 and replaced by meters with valid inspection.

The Regulations for Inspection of Electricity, Water and Gas Meters prepared by the Ministry were published in the Official Gazette.

The regulation determined the procedures and principles relating to the inspection of electricity, water and gas meters, who, where and how these inspections will be carried out and what administrative sanctions will be applied in case of non-compliance.

Consequently, electricity, water and gas meters will be subject to different types of control such as initial inspection, periodic inspection, sudden inspection, complaint inspection and stock inspection.

Meter inspections will be carried out by the provincial directorates of the Ministry in the services established or agreed upon by the user. The Ministry will not charge any fee for the use of the services.

If during the inspection it is determined that the meter does not have type approval or that a change has been made that will affect the type approval, the inspection of the meter will not continue and this situation will be recorded in the inspection report to be prepared. for the meter in question and the necessary procedures will be initiated.

The user will be responsible for removing the meter to be inspected from its installation location and taking it for service.

The request for inspection of the meters must be made to the corresponding provincial address by the user or the service authorized by the user.

Meters deemed suitable as a result of initial, periodic or stock inspections will be sealed.


The list of gas meters in the gas transportation network or directly connected to the transportation network, which were placed on the market between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2019, or whose last inspection was carried out between These dates, it must be presented by the user to the corresponding provincial management at the end of February next year, and will be dismantled and replaced at the end of 2025. It will be necessary to install a meter.

Otherwise, administrative proceedings will be initiated against the meter user for using a meter with an expired seal.

Administrative sanctions will also be taken against users who do not report the list within the established period, or who report it incompletely or incorrectly.

On the other hand, the Ministry’s Regulations that modify the Regulations for Measurement and Inspection of Measuring Instruments were also published in the Official Gazette. With the modification, electricity, water and gas meters were excluded from the scope of application of this regulation.

The Ministry’s Regulation amending the Regulation on the authorization certificate to be issued to persons who will repair and adjust measuring and measuring instruments was also published in the Official Gazette. The regulations regulate the procedures and principles related to the authorization certificate and certificate of work suitability/registration and inspection card that must be delivered to the people who will provide repair and adjustment services for measuring and measurement instruments.

The regulations will come into force on January 1, 2024. (BRITISH AUTOMOBILE CLUB)

Source: Sozcu


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