The upper limit of the bonus distribution rate in games of chance will be increased.
The bill, which includes regulations to increase the upper limit of the bonus distribution rate from 83 percent to 90 percent for all games of chance, and to impose multiple administrative fines on those who apply exorbitant prices to materials and construction works in the earthquake zone. , will be included in the agenda of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
According to the information received, the general bill, which will consist of approximately 80 articles on fiscal and financial areas that AKP parliamentarians are working on, is expected to be presented to Parliament this week.
The bill is scheduled to be discussed next week in the Planning and Budget Commission, whose 2024 budget session ends this week, and if the commission accepts it, it is expected to be placed on the agenda of the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly before budget discussions.
Under the proposal that provides for amendments to some laws, including the Check Law and the Law Regulating Taxes, Funds and Shares Collected from Gambling Revenues, seizure reports used in actual seizures of movable property can be prepare electronically.
The upper limit of the bonus distribution rate for all games of chance will increase from 83 percent to 90 percent. With this regulation, the total bonuses payable within a calendar year for all games of chance organized by each institution and organization cannot be less than 40 percent nor more than 90 percent of its income in the same period.
A new regulation on exorbitant prices will be adopted in the provinces affected by the February 6 earthquakes, centered on KahramanmaraÅŸ.
In this context, a temporary article will be added to the Law on the Adoption of the Presidential Decree on Settlements and Constructions in the Scope of the State of Emergency. Multiple administrative fines will be imposed on those who increase exorbitant prices for construction works and materials in places declared a general disaster area until December 31, 2025.
With the modification that will be made to the Check Law, the implementation period of the rule on the invalidity of the presentation of checks to the recipient bank for payment before the written date of delivery, which will end on December 31, will be extended until December. December 2023. 31, 2025. (BRITISH AUTOMOBILE CLUB)
Source: Sozcu

Andrew Dwight is an author and economy journalist who writes for 24 News Globe. He has a deep understanding of financial markets and a passion for analyzing economic trends and news. With a talent for breaking down complex economic concepts into easily understandable terms, Andrew has become a respected voice in the field of economics journalism.