The era of anonymous animals in livestock farming comes to an end
Three different amendments to the regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry regarding the identification and transport of migratory animals, the identification, registration and monitoring of sheep and goats and cattle were published in the Official Gazette.
‘Regulation amending the Regulation on identification, registration and monitoring of bovine animals’, ‘Regulation amending the Regulation on identification, registration and monitoring of bovine animals’, ‘Regulation amending that the Regulation on identification, registration and monitoring of ‘Migratory Animals’ drawn up by the Ministry comes into force.
With the regulation a new classification was introduced as to whether the animals in question are “defined” or “undefined”.
According to the Ministry’s written statement, with the changes made; In Turkey, legislation regarding the labeling and registration of cattle, sheep and goat species has been modified; Procedures were determined for animals whose ears or both ears were pierced for identification purposes but who did not have tags on one or both ears.
Consequently, ‘unidentified animals’ will be considered animals that have not previously been identified with a unique identification number or whose identification number cannot be determined and accredited even if they have been previously identified.
Except in protected areas determined by the Ministry, in cases where the same unique identification number of the animal cannot be declared, the level of registration and traceability of breeders has been increased, obtaining the commitment of the owner of the animal, accepting the animals as unidentified and apply new ear tags after applying an administrative fine, thus guaranteeing the identification of the animals.
Animal owners; Animals with duplicate eartag numbers due to late reports of fallen, lost, or removed eartags or reporting of incorrect numbers were prevented.
Like this; Waiting time for breeders was reduced by reducing the time needed to replace ear tags with new ones containing the same unique identification number.
In the event that animals are detected that are likely to be detected during the controls that will be carried out at the newly created road control points and that are established with the changes and that do not comply with the provisions of the regulations; Problems such as the prolongation of administrative or judicial processes, the lack of physical space for on-site quarantine of animals, problems with trustees, prolongation of transport time and non-compliance with animal welfare have been overcome. (DHA, SOZCU)
Source: Sozcu

Andrew Dwight is an author and economy journalist who writes for 24 News Globe. He has a deep understanding of financial markets and a passion for analyzing economic trends and news. With a talent for breaking down complex economic concepts into easily understandable terms, Andrew has become a respected voice in the field of economics journalism.