Home care salary began to be deposited

November home care salary payments have begun

Minister Göktaş stated in a written statement that Home Care Assistance was launched in 2006 with the idea of ​​supporting disabled people mainly with their families. Göktaş stated that family members who care for their relatives are supported and family integrity is protected with home care assistance, noting that a monthly payment of 5 thousand 97 TL is made per eligible household.


Referring to this month’s Home Care Assistance payments, Göktaş said: “This month, we started depositing a total of 2.8 billion TL of Home Care Assistance into accounts for fully dependent citizens and their families in need of care. Currently, 562 thousand citizens benefit from Home Care Assistance. Within the framework of our vision of ‘Turkey Century’, as a Ministry we attach great importance to the sustainability of rights-based social assistance in the field of disability with a transparent understanding. In this context, we will continue to reach all members of society with the holistic and fair social service models that we have developed within the framework of our vision of a society that leaves no one behind. “I hope the payments will be beneficial to all of our disabled citizens and their families,” he said.

family November Türkiye

Source: Sozcu


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