The Competition Board investigates concrete and cement companies
The Competition Authority (RK) decided to investigate 18 companies, including OYAK Cement, operating in the field of production and sale of cement and ready-mixed concrete in Hatay and Malatya provinces.
The statement on RK’s website states that an investigation has been opened to determine whether the companies in question violated Article 4 of Law No. 4054 on Protection of Competition by determining prices together and sharing regions/customers.
According to this:
*OYAK Çimento, Çimko Çimento, Ceyhan Ready-Mixed Concrete, MM Tiftik Kardeşler, Ekintaş, Kadir Soylu Beton, KÇS Kahramanmaraş Çimento Beton, Filitoğlu, operating in Hatay;
*In Malatya, Acemoğulları Beton, Betontek, Çınarlar Beton, Çimbeton, Çimko Cement and Beton, Çimya Çimento,
*It was decided to open an investigation against Erva Ready-Mixed Concrete, Kavuksan, MabetaÅŸ Malatya Beton and Recydia. (REUTERS)
Source: Sozcu
Andrew Dwight is an author and economy journalist who writes for 24 News Globe. He has a deep understanding of financial markets and a passion for analyzing economic trends and news. With a talent for breaking down complex economic concepts into easily understandable terms, Andrew has become a respected voice in the field of economics journalism.