The principles of distribution and sale of natural gas in free zones were determined.

The principles of distribution and sale of natural gas in free zones were determined.

The procedures and principles regarding the natural gas distribution and commercialization services that the founders and operators of the free zones must provide were determined.

The Regulation that Modifies the Regulation for the Implementation of Free Zones, prepared by the Ministry of Commerce, entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette.

The regulation regulates the natural gas distribution and commercialization activities of the founders and operators of free zones.

Consequently, in the free zones where activities related to natural gas are carried out by the founders and operators of the zone, the natural gas network will be designed, built, expanded and improved, taking into account the current situation and the potential of development of the area. zone.

The feasibility, study, project, consultancy, control, inspection, construction, service, maintenance and repair services of the free zone natural gas network and related facilities will be performed by the holders of the construction and service certificates. The expenses of these services received from the certificate holders will not be reflected to the users by the founders and regional operators.

In the sales of natural gas made to users by the founders and regional operators, no price may be added to the unit price of natural gas purchase, and no fee under any name shall be reflected in the invoice. On the other hand, the price that will be calculated on the user’s consumption cost according to the rates that are determined in the service rate, as long as it is a maximum of 10 percent, may also be charged to users by the regional founder. and operator.

The circular will determine other principles and rules regarding the activities of the founders and zone operators in matters of natural gas within the free zones. (AA)

Source: Sozcu


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