Black hunting season has begun

Black hunting season has begun

As part of the black hunting season, hunting for quail, turtle doves, jays, jackdaws, crocuses, carrion crows, cormorants, magpies, wild boar and coyotes has begun as of today.

Hunting regions, species, hunting periods and boundaries were determined by the Central Hunting Commission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, taking into account regional differences in the biological development of wild animals.

In this context, quail, turtle doves, jays, jackdaws, crocuses, carrion crows, cormorants, magpies, wild boars and jackals are hunted in the Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Mediterranean, Marmara, Central Anatolia, Eastern Anatolia, South-Eastern Anatolia and Anatolia. Oriental. Black Sea and Western Black Sea regions started today.

Hunting can be carried out until the end of the hunting season.


Except for Marmara, hunting for sand partridge, henna partridge and freckled partridge will start on October 21 and in Marmara on October 10.

La Perdiz Recosa This hunting season is only available in Aksaray, Ağrı, Ardahan, Ankara, Bayburt, Bingöl, çorum, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Girlsun, Gümüşhane, Hatay, Iğdır, Kars, Kayseri, Kyseri, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir , Muş , Ordu, It will be possible to hunt in Sivas, Tokat, Uşak and Van.

In addition, hunting for the Dwarf, Dwarf, Mallard, Gray Duck, Fiyu, Teal, Hungarian Duck, Crested Mongrel, Pintail, Spoonbill, Applehead Pike, Distaff, Guinea Pig, Rock Pigeon, Marmot, Blackbird, Song Juniper and snipe will begin on October 14.

Only in Antalya hunting for singing junipers and blackbirds will be possible after January 6, 2024.


In one day, more than 10 quails, more than 3 pigeons, black hens, junipers and cackling clumsies, more than 6 woodpeckers, more than 6 rock doves, more than 5 snipes, more than 15 magpies, 4 will not be able to hunt more than a clumsy meke

Materials such as poisonous or narcotic baits and medicines cannot be used for hunting.

On the other hand, hunting is not allowed in protected areas.

The places mentioned were determined as national parks, natural parks, nature protection areas, special environmental protection zones, wildlife protection and development areas, wild animal breeding places and stations, and wild animal settlement areas. .

It is forbidden to hunt within a radius of 300 meters in these areas, as well as walking with a rifle and a dog without a holster.

Legal action will be taken against those who violate the decisions, prohibitions, restrictions and regulations. (AA)

Source: Sozcu


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